

Если Вам угрожает опасность, пожалуйста,

озвоните в экстренные службы Великобритании по номеру 999.

Если вас эксплуатируют или вы беспокоитесь о ком-то еще, позвоните в справочную службу по проблемам современного рабства и эксплуатации по телефону 08000 121 700.

Information about travel in the UK

Stay informed and your rights while in the UK

Here are 8 things to remember to keep yourself safe:

1. Travel in a group.

2. Make sure you tell someone you trust about the trip you are taking.

3. If someone in your group goes missing, tell the police immediately.

4. If you are under 18 and travelling alone make sure your family knows where you are every step of the way.

5. If someone offers you transportation, take a picture of them and their ID, their vehicle and registration and share it with your friends/family.

6. Always keep your ID, travel, and personal documents safe – never give them away only show them to officials if you need to.

7. Save emergency numbers on your mobile phone and always keep it with you.

8. People may offer you work, make sure you know the address of the workplace, share it with friends/family.

There are 12 major entry points to the UK, where there will be designated areas (Welcome Points) for you to meet your sponsor and where you can seek support, including to arrange your onward travel. These are established in Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Manchester, Luton, Bristol, Bournemouth, and East Midlands airports; Dover & Folkestone Port Authority; and St Pancras Station in London.

If you have agreed with your Sponsor that you will make your own way to their home, you will be eligible for a single onward journey via national rail, bus, light rail and coach, free of charge to your destination anywhere in England, Scotland and Wales.

There is an extensive train and bus network across the UK, particularly in cities and urban areas. For national trains or buses, tickets are usually much cheaper if bought in advance. You can find out more information on the national rail website here.

You don’t need to show identification to travel within the UK unless you are travelling by plane.

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